• Economic Development Districts and Regional Organizations

    More and more, it’s essential for community and economic development to be conducted regionally. Regional collaboration allows jurisdictions to think outside of their own boundaries and develop strategies that utilize a wide range of existing assets. This is especially true for rural areas who lack the resources to have a robust program at the local level.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact recognizes the significant role that regional economic development organizations already serve for your communities. As community and economic development becomes more complex, strong leadership is needed to help communities that lack local resources navigate everchanging systems and opportunities.

    We provide a range of services to Economic Development Districts and regional development organizations, giving you the ability to lead progress for your communities. By creating relevant and actionable strategic plans, aligning resources, developing capital structures and assisting with implementation at every step, the Alliance for Rural Impact provides your regional organization with the tools you need to achieve real, measurable, positive impact.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Economic Development Practitioners

    Local economic development professionals are asked to wear many hats.  There are often not enough hours in the day to take care of the various demands – and little money in the budget for help.  Priorities tend to shift with politics, pulling a practitioner in many different directions.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact helps your community take a long view.  Our planning processes are designed to bring people together over a common vision quickly and efficiently, allowing you to get down to the business of implementation in a matter of weeks rather than months.  We also stay involved as long as you need us, assisting with implementation, financial development and organizational structuring designed to support community and economic development systems over the long term.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Native American Tribes

    Tribal governments have many different responsibilities to consider when thinking about community and economic development. Each has a culture and heritage that is unique. Governmental structures, policies and procedures vary from one nation to the next. And very often, economic and livability concerns are more pronounced.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact understands the unique challenges faced by Tribes. Our experience working with different tribal organizations and funders across the country has provided us with a distinct set of skills for assisting Tribes with all facets of community and economic development.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Public Agencies

    State and federal agencies have many priorities, each geared to provide a service to citizens. Funding and technical assistance programs are designed around those priorities, often on a highly competitive basis. Even with strict review processes, it’s difficult to know whether investments in local communities will create a positive, long-term impact.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact helps communities determine the best use of funding before applying for outside assistance. Our process includes developing local capacity – especially local financial capacity – to ensure all available funding partners are involved and fully committed to success.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Private Foundations

    For decades, private foundations have been investing in community and economic development projects, capacity building programs, leadership development and social assistance.  Programs start with great fanfare, but often end quietly after years of little change.  Our team members have been a part of these programs many times, providing one-off services for strategic planning, grant writing, financial technical assistance, etc.  We’ve left communities hoping for the best – but knowing the odds of success were slim.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact understands the margin of success is dependent upon a community’s willingness and – more importantly – ability to sustain momentum after supporting mechanisms are gone.  Governing bodies – especially in smaller communities – are in place to take care of basic services:  infrastructure, safety and emergency services.  There is no room in their already stretched budgets to take on the many challenges of community and economic development, most of which require expert knowledge in numerous, specialized areas (planning, grant development and administration, data collection and analysis, project management, capital investment, financing, etc.).

    Rural Impact is designed to provide all aspects of the community and economic development process utilizing unique and comprehensive delivery methodology.  We identify a community’s foundational assets and drive progress until outcomes are achieved.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Economic Development Associations

    What are the latest trends in community and economic development? Are the tried-and-true methods of the past still viable? Why is it important to have a strategic plan? Why is it crucial to make sure the strategic plan is actually implemented? How can communities finance projects and programs without relying solely on one-time grant funding? How do communities sustain progress? How do practitioners have a positive impact on the communities they serve?

    These questions are posed by practitioners across the country looking to energize their community and economic development efforts. Associations at the state and national level are a source of answers for many of them. The Alliance for Rural Impact can help, providing presentations and training programs to answer these questions in a fun, interactive and inspiring environment.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Rural Communities

    Rural communities today are facing unprecedented challenges. Resource depletion, population and demographic shifts, economic stagnation, natural disaster, lack of expertise — all of these issues are making it difficult for our smaller communities to compete. Years of decline have these towns on the brink of social and economic collapse.

    In many cases, grant and technical assistance programs offer short-term infusions of community development support designed to educate leaders and activists about how to create and implement a plan. Our consulting team members have often played a part in this type of service delivery. However, once the term of service has ended, the lessons learned are not continued, momentum is lost and plans go unrealized. This is not usually due to a lack of desire by local leaders or citizens. Instead, it is often related to a dearth of resources and expertise to invest in a protracted program of investment necessary to achieve long-term goals and impacts.

    The Alliance for Rural Impact takes a holistic approach to transformational community and economic development. All facets needed for successful progress – leadership, organizational capacity, citizen engagement, strategic planning, progressive action, resource development, and sustained commitment – are provided and supported by our team of professionals. We help your community harness its potential – and stay involved until it’s reached.

    Contact us to see how we can help.

  • Entrepreneurs

    Starting a new business can be a daunting task, often made more difficult by the lack of a supportive network to guide the way.  The Alliance for Rural Impact can help!  Whether an entrepreneur is starting out, looking to expand or just needs additional capital to fund a new idea, our team will be there at every step.

    We provide the services every entrepreneur needs, including business planning, financial analysis, marketing services, and website and social media development. Additionally, we have financing programs designed especially for small businesses, with reasonable terms, fast approval, responsible lending rates, equipment leasing options and easy repayment plans.  We give entrepreneurs a one-stop shop for all needs, allowing you to focus your valuable time on running a successful business.

    Contact us to see how we can help.